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(1 edit) (+1)

Hello Allison I really like your work, Gentleman Bandit has been a big influence for my. Sadly, being an argentinian it´s very expensive to buy ttrpg pdfs, our "pesos" are very low in comparisons to dolars and we have to pay 66% extra of taxes when buying items from the exterior due to protectionist laws. I´m currently unemployed by this pandemic and trying my best to focus on ttrpg and board game design, and I´d love to have access to at least 1 community copy of this game to work in my design lab.

Keep up the good work <3


I can buy it for you if youd like

(1 edit) (+3)

Watch me read through and write this review here:

Moonblind is a game filled to the brim with incredible words.

I was constantly taken aback by how evocative the text was, from the character traits to the multiple sections for tips on how to set the tone, interpreting your draw/divination, and everything in between. Whether it was game text or flavor driven prose, just great writing all around!

Some stuff I really liked:

  • The divination layout and set up is very fascinating! 
  • I loved how encouraging and approachable it is to those who may not be comfortable with writing poetry or even just in general with approaching this game!
  • The tips for writing are incredible, I love them!

I will definitely be using the tips for writing your poem in the future! I think it helps so much how much the game tells you it’s ok to rip from it, especially because the divinations themselves are beautiful 1 line poems that can help a player craft their own for the scene it is based on!

This game is worth the $10 I paid for it! I can’t wait to try it out!


You've taken my breath away with these kind words ... so happy you found such deep inspiration herein. <3